Si hay algo que le gusta a Mia del baño, es la rutina del pelo y es que eligiendo el champú adecuado, esta rutina puede convertirse en un momento muy divertido. Como muchas de vosotras sabéis, para el cabello de mis hijos solo uso el champú clásico de Johnson’s Baby, un champú que es específico para el cuidado del pelo de los más pequeños ya que el pelo de nuestros bebés es más fino que el nuestro y por ello necesita de un cuidado específico que le aporte suavidad e hidratación, sin apelmazar. Otra ventaja por la que me declaro fan de Johnson’s Baby, es su fórmula exclusiva NO LLORES MÁS, ya que limpia sin irritar los ojos, algo que para mi es fundamental para poder terminar el baño con una GRAN sonrisa, después de todo eso es lo más importante, crear rutinas que para ellos no lo sean tanto. Jaja!!.;).
If there is something that Mia likes about the bath, it is the hair routine and it is that by choosing the right shampoo, this routine can become a very fun time. As many of you know, for my children’s hair I only use the classic shampoo Johnson’s Baby, a shampoo that is specific for the care of the hair of the little ones and is that the hair of our babies is much thinner than ours and therefore they needs a specific care that provides softness and hydration, without caking. Another of the advantages cause I declare fan of Johnson’s Baby is its exclusive formula NO MORE LIKES, since it cleans without irritating the eyes, something that for me is fundamental to be able to finish the bathroom with a GREAT smile, after all that is most importantly, create routines that are not so much for them. Haha!!.;).
If there is something that Mia likes about the bath, it is the hair routine and it is that by choosing the right shampoo, this routine can become a very fun time. As many of you know, for my children’s hair I only use the classic shampoo Johnson’s Baby, a shampoo that is specific for the care of the hair of the little ones and is that the hair of our babies is much thinner than ours and therefore they needs a specific care that provides softness and hydration, without caking. Another of the advantages cause I declare fan of Johnson’s Baby is its exclusive formula NO MORE LIKES, since it cleans without irritating the eyes, something that for me is fundamental to be able to finish the bathroom with a GREAT smile, after all that is most importantly, create routines that are not so much for them. Haha!!.;).