Las zapatillas blancas son un must have esta temporada. Con ellas se pueden crear infinidad de casual looks, con mucho estilo. Llevo zapatillas blancas y cinturón de MANGO (new) combinadas con jersey y chaqueta de SHEINSIDE (pinchando aquí) y ripped jeans de PULL AND BEAR (new). Como complementos reloj de DANIEL WELLINGTON (pinchando aquí) y bolso de MANGO (new).
White shoes are a must have this season. With them you can create many casual looks with style. I wear white vans and belt from MANGO (new) combined with jersey and jacket from SHEINSIDE (clicking here) and ripped jeans from PULL AND BEAR (new). As complements clock from DANIEL WELLINGTON ons (clicking here) and MANGO bag (new).